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 6 votes - Book - First release: 2014-12-20T01:33:08Z


Description - 17+


ShuBook 2P has all the functionalities of ShuBook 2M, plus extensive Chinese book specific features.

■ 中文書專用特色(Chinese book specific features)

① 新的圖章型中文專用控制界面:印泥紅框,內含四個帶藍字半透明按鈕,分別控制橫豎、線框、簡繁、字體的轉換;圖章本身可以自由拖動

② 橫排與豎排的雙向轉換:原本為橫排設計的書也可以豎排(直排)讀

③ 豎排線框:有線框為仿古線裝書風格,格調優雅;無線框為仿今平装書風格,格調簡約

④ 簡體字與繁體字的雙向轉換:一個簡體字可能對應多個繁體字(正體字),正確轉換需要看前文後理。新算法再次提高了分析前文後理的能力,簡繁轉換的準確率繼續遠遠領先於同類軟件

⑤ 內置三套優質字體(明體、楷體、黑體):可以在同一本書裡混合使用,例如一般文字為明體,標題為黑體,而引文或韻文(如詩詞歌賦等)為楷體,讓版面更美觀、更好讀

⑥ 控制界面自動適應橫排與豎排:跳頁滑桿、書頁底部顯示閱讀進度幼線、翻頁手勢等的前進後退方向都一起隨橫排豎排的切換而變

⑦ 中文書與外文書各自一套排版參數設定,互不干擾:比如中文書用楷體,對應行距要較大;外文書則用 Georgia,對應行距可較小。

⑧ 自動產生多字體混編書:內置的碧瑪版《西遊記》示範了如何以空格符號去標記韻文或引文,以微小的增量編輯成本,得到超值的排版效果

⑨ 支持讀者勘誤「好讀網站UPDB格式」書的整個流程:下載書本;發現錯謬,提出更正,並製作勘誤表;上傳勘誤表

⑩ 支持自創的「書僕開放格式」,以方便用戶自己製作TXT電子書,格式簡易,效果美觀

⑪ 支持聽書功能,適用於所有豎排中文書,可選普通話或廣東話、朗讀語速等等,關掉屏幕也可聽書


① Read DRM-free and password-free books of 3 fluid-layout formats and 5 fixed-layout formats

② Read fluid-layout formats (EPUB, TXT, UPDB) in horizontal page-turning mode

③ Read fixed-layout formats (PDF, RTF, DOC, XLS, PPT) in vertical page-scrolling mode

④ Read in both portrait and landscape orientation

⑤ Long press on text to lookup built-in dictionary, read aloud, and copy

⑥ Sync book reading progress via AirDrop and email 

⑦ Support all compatible iPhone and iPad models at native screen resolution

⑧ Provide an option to auto-reopen last book read at the page you left off for fluid-layout formats and fixed-layout formats

For fluid-layout formats:

① Customize various layout parameters (font family, font size, text alignment, page margin, paragraph indentation, paragraph spacing, line spacing, letter spacing, hyphenation) and apply color themes

② Import unlimited number of user font files (TTF, TTC, OTF) via AirDrop, DropBox, Safari, Mail

③ Provide 16 built-in eye-pleasing color themes and 3 customizable color themes, where you can control background, text, heading and link colors

④ Jump to any page quickly and precisely via page slider with an unobtrusive reading progress line at the bottom of the page

⑤ Offer Night mode and brightness control by vertical swipe to complement iOS system brightness control via Control Center

⑥ Perform fast full text search and automatically save recent searches

⑦ Save an unlimited number of bookmarks per book

⑧ Long press on text to lookup built-in dictionary, read aloud, copy, search (and correct for UPDB)


① Manage easily thousands of books in Library

② Group books by titles, authors, tags, and clusters with reading progress display

③ Group books by authors hierarchically in Library allowing multiple authors per book

④ Group books by tags hierarchically in Library allowing multiple tags per book

⑤ Group books by clusters hierarchically in Library allowing adding/removing/editing of clusters and re-ordering of clusters and their books

⑥ Search books in Library by title or author, or with help of the index bar

⑦ Edit book info, including title, author, tags and book cover image, for which you can choose from Album and online sources


① Provide convenient access to millions of free ebooks from multiple sources (HTML websites and OPDS catalogs), including Dropbox and websites you input

② Perform TXT encoding auto-detection and TXT Smart Break after download/import of TXT files

③ Support downloading tags of books from OPDS catalogs

④ Smart batch download from calibre (and other OPDS servers on LAN) with an option to skip downloading books that are already in Library

⑤ Support iTunes File Sharing to import and export books

⑥ Send and receive books by email